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Quotes are delayed, as of November 08, 2024, 11:10:00 AM CST or prior.
All grain prices are subject to change at any time.
Cash bids are based on 10-minute delayed futures prices, unless otherwise noted.
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Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of November 08, 2024, 11:10:00 AM CST or prior.
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Hogs Mixed on Thursday, with Stronger Cash and a Weaker Cutout -

Lean Hog futures settled the Thursday session with contracts mixed, as most were up 10 to 45 cents and nearby December was down 92 cents. The

Cotton Pulling Back on Friday -

Cotton prices are showing losses of 85 to 93 points so far on Friday Futures posted a sharp Thursday rally with contracts up 58 to 136 points on the

Corn Ticking Higher Ahead of USDA Reports -

Corn is posting fractional to penny gains so far on Friday morning. Futures got some late session strength on Thursday to close with gains of ½ to

Cattle Pushes Higher, as PM Boxed Beef Print Falls -

Live cattle futures closed out the Thursday session with contracts up 42 cents to $1.20, despite weaker boxed beef movement. Cash trade has yet to

Wheat Mixed to Start Friday Trade -

Wheat is showing mixed action so far on Friday morning. The wheat market fell lower across the three exchanges to close out the Thursday session.

Soybeans Leaking Lower on Friday Morning -

Soybeans are pulling back to kick off Friday, with losses of 3 to 7 ½ cents. Bulls found some more spark after midday to extend the strength into

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The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange